Routing various cables with one single cable entry
The KVT-ER series from icotek is the right choice when you need to route cables with connectors into enclosures, control panels and machines with the certified sealing rate of up to IP66/IP68 and UL type 4X.

Zbog dosljedne podjele, utikače nije potrebno makivati. Jamstvo na predterminirane kabele ostaje i vrijeme montaže je skraćeno.

Razdjelna kabelska uvodnica za kablove bez konektora
Serija KVT iz icoteka omogućuje usmjeravanje kabela sa i bez konektora s certificiranom stopom brtvljenja IP54 i UL tipa 12. Oni nude veliku gustoću kabela i širok izbor kabelskih uvodnica.

Configure your unique cable entry online now
Use the product configurator to configure your own cable entry system – tailored to your own requirements. The fully configured product can then be requested directly.